Ответ :

Future Arrangement: Let's schedule our next team meeting for [Date] at [Time]. Please let me know if this works for you, or if there's a better time that fits your schedule.Suggestion for an Activity: In addition to our regular meetings, I thought it would be beneficial for our team to engage in a fun and collaborative activity to strengthen our bond. One idea I have is to organize a virtual escape room challenge. It's a great way for us to work together, problem-solve, and have some fun outside of work. Let me know your thoughts on this suggestion or if you have any other ideas.My Current Activity: Currently, I'm working on finalizing the quarterly report and preparing for the upcoming client presentation. However, I'm making sure to carve out time for team collaboration and engagement, hence the suggestion for the team bonding activity.Looking forward to your feedback on the meeting schedule and the team activity suggestion.(але не точно)

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